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Create post for pages
Updated over 5 months ago

Follow these steps to create a post for a social media page in adhook:

  1. Open "Posts" in the navigation and click on "Create Post". Alternative: Open "Calendar" in the navigation and click on the day you want to schedule a new post. Select "Create Post" in the dialog.

  2. Select the brand for which you want to create the post. If you have access to only one brand, it will be selected directly.

  3. Select the entry "Pages from ..." at "Post on" to create a post for the pages deposited on the brand.

  4. Select the desired platforms, which should be used in the post. You will see here only the platforms for which a page has been deposited on the selected brand.

  5. Create the post content or select a template (see Create a post from a template )

  6. Schedule the post for publication

  7. Promote the post (optional, see Promote the post )

ℹ️ As soon as you have selected at least one platform, the preview of the posts appears on the right side. Here you can check if the correct pages are stored on the brand.

💡 Check the brand settings if a platform is missing for selection or the wrong social media profile is displayed in the preview (see Manage brands ).

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