LinkedIn Posts for Pages
You can prepare and publish LinkedIn posts for pages in adhook. The requirements are as follows:
The connected LinkedIn account in adhook is authorized to publish content on the company or focus page
The LinkedIn page is selected on the appropriate brand in adhook
LinkedIn Posts for personal profiles
You can also prepare and publish LinkedIn posts for personal profiles in adhook. See Create post for personal profiles .
Prepare LinkedIn Post
When creating a post, select the "LinkedIn" platform to create a LinkedIn post. You have the following options.
Mark pages
Mention another LinkedIn page by searching for a page in the LinkedIn post text via "@". You will see results in the dialog. Click on a page to mention it in the post.
ℹ️ A selected page will be notified about the mention as soon as the post is published.
Link preview
You can add a link in your post, which will be displayed on LinkedIn as a link preview. To do this, insert the link into the post text and activate the checkbox "Activate link preview" below the post media. In the preview you will see the corresponding link preview. As soon as the preview is clicked, the link is opened.
Important : The LinkedIn link preview is created based on the data stored at the link. Unlike Facebook & X, you can customize the link preview for LinkedIn. You can define the title, description and image according to your needs.
Create Document Post
Select the "Document Post" format to upload a document directly in the post.
Create survey
Select the "Survey" format to prepare and publish LinkedIn surveys directly in adhook. Define an appropriate question and answer options. In the preview, the survey will be displayed accordingly.
ℹ️ You can find the results of the survey on LinkedIn.