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About post authors
Updated over 6 months ago

For published posts, Facebook & LinkedIn displays who created or published the post. This information is internal and only visible to people who have a role on the page. For people without a role on the page, the information is not visible.

Facebook author

For posts published by adhook, Facebook will display the name "adhook" as the author of the post.

LinkedIn author

For posts published by adhook, the name of the person who connected the LinkedIn account to adhook is displayed on LinkedIn. In larger organizations with decentralized structures, this can lead to problems, as the same name is displayed for all posts.

The problem can be solved by having each person who creates LinkedIn posts in adhook connect their own LinkedIn account in adhook. When publishing, adhook will automatically try to use this LinkedIn account if the appropriate permissions to the profile stored on the brand are available. If they are not present, the profile stored on the brand will be used and thus the author will be displayed in LinkedIn, who has connected this profile in adhook.

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