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Upload & edit videos
Updated over a week ago

Select "Upload Media" to add one or more videos to your post.

Select thumbnail

You can define a thumbnail image for your video, which will be displayed before the video is played. Click on the image icon to the right of the video.

The following options are supported:

Upload thumbnail image : Upload a separate image as a thumbnail image

Select thumbnail in video : Directly select an image in the video.

Crop video

You can trim a video to the desired length directly in adhook. To do this, click on the trim icon to the right of the video. Then select the desired start and end position and click on "Trim video".

Maximum video size

The following size restrictions apply to videos, about which you will be informed via error messages during upload.

Facebook : Maximum 1'000 MB

Instagram Feed Videos : Maximum 100 MB

Instagram Reels : Maximum 1'000 MB

LinkedIn Videos : Maximum 200 MB

Twiter Videos : Maximum 512 MB

Maximum number of videos

On Instagram, you can add up to 10 videos as a carousel post. For Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter you can upload a maximum of one video. For the Google Business Profile, videos are not supported for tools like adhook.

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