For widgets of the type "Summary" you can compare the displayed data with other data, e.g. from the previous period. The comparison is displayed accordingly as a value or percentage next to the key figure in the widget.
Follow the steps below to configure the comparison in a widget:
- Edit the desired widget of the "Summary" type or create a new widget.
- Select one of the following options in "Comparison":
- Previous period (using the period selected in the report, e.g. previous week or previous month)
- Same period in the previous year (using the period selected in the report)
- Individual (specify your own start and end dates for the comparison period). - Define one of the following to represent the trend:
- Percent
- Value - Save the widget. The development is displayed directly in the widget
ℹ️ If no development took place (+- 0) or if data for the selected comparison period is missing, no development is displayed for the key figure.