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Create post for personal profiles
Updated over 5 months ago

Follow these steps to create a post for your personal social media profiles in adhook:

  1. Open "Posts" in the navigation and click on "Create Post". Alternative: Open "Calendar" in the navigation and click on the day you want to schedule a new post. Select "Create Post" in the dialog.

  2. Select the brand for which you want to create the post. If you have access to only one brand, it will be selected directly.

  3. Under "Post to", select "Personal Profiles" to create a post for your social media profiles.

  4. Select the desired platforms to be used in the post. If you haven't connected any personal profiles yet, a warning will be displayed. In this case, connect your accounts at the top right of the cogwheel under "Link accounts" so that you can use them in the post.

  5. Create the post content or select a template (see Create a post from a template )

  6. Schedule the post for publication

ℹ️ Personal posts cannot be promoted.

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