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Create user
Updated over 5 months ago

Follow these steps to invite a new user to your adhook account.

  1. Click on "User" at the top right of the gear wheel

  2. Click on "Create User"

  3. Define an e-mail address, first and last name for the new user

  4. Select the desired role (administrator or user). Administrators have all permissions, users have only the permissions according to the selected permission groups.

  5. Define the other optional settings such as the default brand (only useful for multiple brands) or the notifications.

  6. Add at least one permission group for the User role.

  7. Save the user.

  8. An e-mail is now sent to the specified e-mail address with an invitation link. With the link, the person can define their password and then log in to adhook with the email address and the defined password.

ℹ️ Only administrators of the adhook account can create users.

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